San Clemente, California. San Clemente Beach Trail is in the County of Orange. Length of 2.3 miles. The trail end points are San Clemente North Beach Metrolink Station and San Clemente State Beach. There is also 3500 feet of raised bridge section that is painted steel. This painted steel structure is starting to show signs of corrosion and is now in the process of being sandblasted and re-coated. The City of San Clemente and the contractor specified GlassBlast medium to be used with a Dustless Blaster and salt remover / flash rust preventer as the preparation of the corroded surface. Holdtight 102 and Holdblast where added to the sandblasting water to prevent the flash rusting. Using a ration of 75/1 worked as a final rinse. Some of the challenges of this project is the location of the project which is right on the water and the pedestrian traffic on the trail. Using a dustless blasting system eliminated 95% of the dust keeping down the dust. The GlassBlast Medium and the salt removers are both environmentally inert and have been use on previous over the water project in San Clemente, San Francisco and various over the water projects. The over water projects have been reviewed by the California Coastal Commission, EPA and City building departments.